Creating Media to Create Awareness for MMIW

Native Americans go missing at a disproportionate rate in the United States. Across borders, from Canada, the United States, to Mexico the alarming rate of missing Indigenous people only increases over the years. There are many factors as to why the number Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Men, and Boys continue to grow. This … More Creating Media to Create Awareness for MMIW

New York Fashion Week. The Hurting Song teams up with Indigenous Fashion Designer, Hazel Stabler to build awareness for MMIW

The Hurting Song is spreading awareness to new audiences at the NYC Fashion Week in the National Geographic Building in partnership with Hazel Stabler and her fashion line, Buffalo Hunt, dedicating this season’s collection to couture with an MMIW message. We will be screening unseen footage and live music performance on the runway. Together we can … More New York Fashion Week. The Hurting Song teams up with Indigenous Fashion Designer, Hazel Stabler to build awareness for MMIW

Times Square. Creating visibility in New York City for MMIW

July 2019 – Creating visibility for the Indigenous people who have gone Missing/Murdered without proper reporting, procedure, and media awareness. Times Square was in awe at the sight of these three young women, demonstrating a love for their culture and a need for protection.  Location: Time Square, NEW York Film: @thehurtingsong The Hurting Song, a Missing … More Times Square. Creating visibility in New York City for MMIW

What is MMIW?

MMIW stands for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (and Girls). The failure by the government to protect Indigenous peoples is boldly displayed in the number of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls best described as a national epidemic. In Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police report roughly 4,000 cases however in the United States, … More What is MMIW?